TIMELINE HUHT started its journey by providing relief work to natural calamities in 2001 and is now focusing its effort in the sphere of education. It started with
10 students in 2006 and now has 35 faculty and 628 students (as of Jan. 2020).

Total Project Cost: Rs 33 crs 50 lacs (approx)
Purchased Land Area: 2 acres
Total Construction Area: 1,22,000 sq ft (1 lakh 22 thousand sq ft)
Location Details: Nepalgunj Road near IIM Joka
Completion Target Date: Early 2023
in association with
East India Rotary Welfare Trust & Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences is building residential school for over 1000 underprivileged children only for Girls.
Location: Nepalgunj Road near IIM Joka, Kolkata

Free Residential Learning Centre - For 1000 children – Only for Girls.
From 6 years – 16 years – from Class 1-10.
Open Board – National Institute of Open School (NIOS).
Curriculum - Blend of Alternative Learning and Vedic Education.
Preparation for Board Exams - When the child is ready and has attained a level of academic proficiency, we start preparing for the Board Exam.
Defence - Training to students for Defence.
Regular Counselling - A group of Counsellors and Special Educators assigned permanently.

Therefore in designing our curriculum we are also consulting with various educationists to have a curriculum with a perfect blend of Vedic & alternative education.
Focal Point is the Child Child Centric Learning -

Every child is special and their ability to deal with any learning is different from one another. Freedom to learn. Play and learn. Recognise and respect each child's ability. Freedom to explore themselves. Everyone has the capability to be good at something and not good at something. Accept it!
Holistic Environment
conducive to Learning

Learning should be natural, we create an environment which encourages children to learn rather than push things and only make rules, regulations and guidelines. The zeal to learn should never stop. Their curiosity and knowledge gaining hunger should be intact at all times for natural learning to happen.
Emotional well-being
and Happiness

The mental health of all beings is of prime importance. Only if the child is emotionally stable and secure as well as happy beings, the learning and growth will happen naturally. They will excel automatically.
Academic Goals - Curriculum structure
Alternative Learning

Concentration on Language
Skills and Maths
If we know a language, a curious child will path its way to any learning.

Project based practical learning
for Science and Social Studies.

Farming and Cooking as subjects This will help them in learning Maths, Science and Geography practically.

Learning in groups
according to the calibre, ability, capability, aptitude and pace of the child.

No Exams, No Competition and No Comparison.
Vedic System of Learning

Sanskrit as a language
This has a deep impact on the neurological development of brain enhancing mental development..

Bhagwat Gita
Teachings of Life.

Vedic Education
Ved, Shlok, Chanting, practise of Havan leading to Spiritual development.

Yoga, Pranayam, Meditation
Helps in physical, mental and spiritual development and improves concentration, instills discipline n calmness, leads to a balanced mind, brings closer to happiness..
Life skills, Vocational Training, and Other Activities


Stitching & Tailoring

Art and Craft

Music & Dance

Grow your own Food Be close to nature and earth, realization to not waste food you grow with hardship

Cook your own Food, Wash your Utensils

Drama, Elocution

Self Defence – Kalaripayattu and Malkham



Tailor your clothes

​Cleaning and Housekeeping of Hostel and Learning Centre

Wash your clothes

Basic Electric Work



​Basic Plumbing Work
Eco-Friendly Environment

Water conservation
rain water harvesting

​ STP plant

Eco friendly recycled products

Electricity conservation – solar panels, led lights

Bio Gas
Medical Facility - Ayurvedic centre

Treatment through Ayurvedic means to one and all.
Community Building

The children should be connected to their roots. They should feel responsible towards their families back home as well as their social surroundings.
From each family, only 1 child will be admitted to the center so as to impact more families.
We will build a Model Plan of each village from where the children belong, to work on the requirements of the village.
Every year, the children will be spending a couple of months at their village to execute a plan of action designed for their village. They will be accompanied by teachers and a support staff team in order to do this and make it fruitful. This will be an essential part of their curriculum as well. The learning center can act as a source to all these villages and ultimately impact the educational centers of these villages too.
In this way, they can contribute towards village community development.

Child Grows

Community Grows

Village Grows

Country Grows
Help us build a place where
With happy minds, physically fit, balanced emotional quotient, and spiritually enhanced human beings.

Teach Empathy and encourage Respect for others - Accept each other with love. Our responsibility is not only to create self-reliant and self-independant successful individuals but good, happy, content, peace loving, responsible, mentally stable and spiritually evolved human beings.
Free residential School Launch Event at Birla Sabhaghar on 22.10.2017
Free residential School Bhoomi puja on 18.11.2018
On the occasion of Bhoomi Puja, Prof. Achyuta Samanta Ji sharing few words about the management tie-up between Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences & Help Us Help Them