TIMELINE HUHT started its journey by providing relief work to natural calamities in 2001 and is now focusing its effort in the sphere of education. It started with
10 students in 2006 and now has 35 faculty and 628 students (as of Jan. 2020).

With the COVID-19 disease achieving a pandemic status, HUHT family was out for a mission to provide all necessary help and services to this vulnerable section of the society. 20,000 masks, 15000 soaps and 2000 gloves was distributed with the help of BSF at the border areas.
Food Kits to
1000 families
from April to mid-May
Total 4,50,000 meals

Areas Covered:
HUHT Students Family In Mallickpur
Truck drivers of BT Road
& 500 from border areas
with the help of Border Security Force (BSF)

In 2001, Gujarat was affected by earthquake. We group of friends & family came together & collected rupees 12 lakhs with the help of Kolkata people. We purchased relief materials as per the requirements.
We interacted with the Rapid Action Force (RAF) in Adhoi village, 300 km from the main city & with their help we distributed kits to 2000 families. Each kits consisted of utensils, tents, rations & other basic amenities.
Media coverage - Aaj Tak news channel and Telegraph (Kolkata)

Basic necessities
to families afftected by the eartquake

Areas Covered:
Adhoi Village, 300 km from main city with help of RPF team
In 2005, after tsunami devastated lives of many people, Help Us Help Them collected rupees 18 Lakhs & the team went to Nagapatinum (Tamil Nadu) and helped the affected lives. We distribute basic necessities to Tsunami victims. In the same year we registered our NGO Help Us Help Them was registered under the Society Act.
Basic necessities
distributed to affected families.

Areas Covered
Nagapatinum (Tamil Nadu)